Buy a-PiHP Reddit
Buy a-PiHP, also known as –Pyrrolidinohexiophenone,
is a new substituted cathinone Research Chemical with structural similarities to MDPV.
It stimulates rats quite strongly
and is thought to be an inhibitor of dopamine and adrenaline reuptake.
Storage conditions: in a dry and cool place.
The terms a-PiHP Reddit can last up to 2 years under the right storage conditions.
Synonyms a-PiHP-Me-PVPa-pyrrolidinoisohexaphenone4M-PVP
IUPAC 4-methyl-1-phenyl-2-(pyrrolidin-1-yl)pentan-1-one, monohydrochloride
Formula C16H23NO • HCl
Molecular weight 281.8 g/mol
Appearance Powder
Purity ≥ 98 %
Buy a-PiHP This chemical is intended for research and forensic applications.
The side effects of this chemical have not been studied.
Buy PiHP retail, wholesale and bulk sale (buy and order) also called α-Pyrrolidinoisohexaphenon,
is a novel Research Chemical from the substituted cathinone family
with structural similarities to MDPV.
It exhibits very strong stimulation in rats and is suspected to be a adrenaline
and dopamine reuptake inhibitor.
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